I'm no best interior designer in Ahmedabad , but I've been known to dabble with decorating. And if there's one thing I know about home decor, it's that you don't have to be an expert to create the look you want. Whether your style is bohemian chic or rustic modern, here are some ideas for how to use your favorite colors and patterns in unique ways: Picture a Place to Relax and Unwind Use a comfortable chair. Chairs are a great way to make your space feel more homey and relaxing. They can be used for reading, watching TV or spending time with friends. Add a reading lamp nearby if you want to read in bed (or on the couch). Add a footstool so that your feet are at the same level as your head when sitting up straight in bed or on the couch; this will help prevent back pain and headaches caused by slouching over too much during sleep time activities like reading books or magazines - not just napping! Choose rugs wisely: they should be soft enough not to cause any discom...